About Us

Why Bytecurve?

ByteCurve’s founders have over 30 years of combined experience in the Transportation industry, with special expertise in the Student Transportation sector

We understand the challenges of transporting millions of students to and from their schools safely and on time, with little margin for error.

Our solutions are designed to address these challenges with targeted tools to help you improve your operations.

Our expertise in analytics, combined with our domain knowledge, will help you gain vital insights on performance, translating into lower operational costs, improved safety.

And more satisfied customers.

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The Team Behind Bytecurve

ByteCurve’s founders have over 30 years of combined experience in the Transportation industry, with special expertise in the Student Transportation sector
Decade TIM Purvis Cropped


Why clients trust Bytecurve

“It helps our operations supervisors—they’re now cleaning up routes. There’s the savings, and it’s big dollars.”

— Tim Purvis, Transportation Director, Poway Unified School District.